Episode 213: (Part 2) How Confidence Is the Key, and How You Can Get It, Build It, and Keep It, with Dr. Nate Zinsser

Episode 213: (Part 2) How Confidence Is the Key, and How You Can Get It, Build It, and Keep It, with Dr. Nate Zinsser

Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts! “Confidence is an internal process. It’s all those decisions and all those conclusions you make. It has relatively little to do with what actually goes on in the world, and...
Episode 210: How to Begin Doing Something That Matters, with Michael Bungay Stanier

Episode 210: How to Begin Doing Something That Matters, with Michael Bungay Stanier

Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts! “Sit with the idea of what it would mean for you to take on a worthy goal, become the best version of yourself, and unlock your greatness by taking on the hard things. I’m...