Episode 99: Do Less To Live and Work Happier and Better, with Kate Northrup
“Most of the time we think that as entrepreneurs, if we want to make more revenue and have a big impact, there’s something we’re not doing that we need to add in. Nine times out of ten, it’s something that you’re doing that you should stop doing.” – Kate...
Episode 98: How To Engage Male Leaders In The Gender Equality Movement At Work, with Jeffery Halter
“Choose to get curious. Go have a coffee with another woman, and another woman, and a person of color, and a millennial. You’re going to start to see that there is in fact inequity in the daily ways people are treated.” – Jeffery Halter As only 29% of senior...
Episode 97: The Top Six Relational Handicaps That Break Relationships and Bonds, with Yamel Corcoll-Iglesias
“Don’t just assume that you know yourself. Ask yourself the questions. Your body is talking to you all the time, and what is this reaction in your body saying? Even if you have to get really detailed about feelings, just give it words.” – Yamel Corcoll-Iglesias ...