“What I’m seeing here is this absolutely amazing paradox. We live in a world of men’s power, where just by the virtue of birth, half of us have certain privileges, but at the same time, the ways that we have traditionally defined men’s lives comes with a huge cost.” – Michael Kaufman

At work and home, the gender equality revolution is critical for the advancement of women. However, today’s Finding Brave guest makes the case that this movement is also a great gift for men. There’s a paradox of men’s power that exists in this male-dominated world, but significant changes are being made to address the challenges it presents.

Michael Kaufman, PhD, is a renowned writer, advisor, and speaker focused on engaging men to promote gender equality, end violence against women, and transform the lives of men. He has worked in 50 countries with the United Nations, governments, NGOs, women’s organizations, and businesses.

He is the co-founder of White Ribbon Campaign, a Senior Fellow with Promundo based in Washington DC, and last year was the only male member of Justin Trudeau’s G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council

The author of eight books, including two novels, Michael’s newest book is The Time Has Come: Why Men Must Join the Gender Equality Revolution.

You’ll learn why having an having an open dialogue around gender equality is critical, but we must find positive ways to reach out to men to be part of the gender equality movement. As our expert guest shares, changes are happening that will positively affect not only this generation of men and women, but our children and future generations to come.

Highlights from this Episode:

  • Why it’s so important for men to take action now and get involved in the gender equality movement and why it’s not about men “losing” [3:03]
  • What influenced Michael to support the gender equality revolution and how his book helps other men do the same [7:14]
  • How the pressure to be a “real man” starts early for males and the paradox and cost this results in [10:24]
  • A valuable lesson Michael learned early on from his parents on the need to take sides [16:14]
  • What feminism isn’t about [21:09]
  • Practical steps that men can take now to join the revolution [23:29]
  • Michael’s special message for not only men, but everyone [28:22]
  • The true power of open dialogue [30:24]

For More Information:





Resources Mentioned:

Michael’s last book,  The Time Has Come: Why Men Must Join the Gender Equality Revolution

His Previous Books

Kathy’s Forbes post on What Is Feminism And Why Do So Many Women And Men Hate It?

Kathy’s Forbes post on How To Stop Staying ‘I’m Sorry’ When You’re Not (And Why You Need To)

Episode 4: Gender, Power and Relationships, and the Crushing Effects of Patriarchy, with Terry Real


“I actually think that feminism is the greatest gift that men have ever had.” [4:52]

“Part of what my book does is talk about those things to give men the tools to take action, but it also gives women the tools to engage men.” [7:37]

“We’re supposed to have power, right? We’re men, but most men don’t feel powerful. Most men don’t feel in control. Most men carry around this incredible burden of not being able to live up to the expectations of manhood.” [10:08]

“Listen with respect. Take it in. I think part of men’s journeys have to include listening.” [20:45]

“This is about change. It is going to benefit women and men, and certainly it’s going to benefit the children of the future.” [25:22]

“We’re products of this society, all of us, both women and men. As products of that society, there are things that most of us have done.” [30:52]

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