One in five people is estimated to be neurodivergent, yet efforts to achieve large-scale neuroinclusion in the workplace have largely failed due to superficial “check-the-box” strategies. Cognitive scientist, author, board director, business leader, and neurodivergent employer Dr. Maureen Dunne knows from lived experience and extensive research that we can harness the power of neurodiverse talent to help organizations build thriving cultures. Her national bestselling book, The Neurodiversity Edge, introduces a transformative framework for addressing “the most important human resources opportunity of the 21st century.” As you’ll discover in today’s episode, creating a neuroinclusive workplace isn’t just the right thing to do; it can also be a massive competitive advantage.

Join us as Maureen highlights common misunderstandings about neuroinclusion and explains why we need to break free from society’s neurotypical script to embrace the strengths of brains that work differently. She also reveals how organizations can take a values-driven approach to build a culture of sustained authentic inclusion and leverage the enormous untapped talent pool defined by cognitive differences.

For actionable strategies that can transform your organization’s approach to inclusion and unlock the potential of neurodiverse talent, tune in today!

Key Highlights From This Episode:

  • An important definition of neurodiversity as a strengths-based framework. [05:25]
  • Ways the average workplace excludes neurodivergent talent (and why it’s a pitfall). [06:42]
  • Why “sustained authentic inclusion” is key for building a thriving workplace culture. [11:46]
  • How Maureen’s own neurodivergent experiences inspired her to advocate for others. [14:40]
  • Insight into the apparent rise of neurodivergent diagnoses in our society today. [21:20]
  • What organizations need to do to correct biases against neurodivergent employees. [23:49]
  • Updating the interview process to accommodate excellent neurodivergent candidates. [29:27]
  • How openly neurodivergent leaders promote neurodiversity-friendly cultures. [33:59]
  • Accessible tips for shattering stereotypes and creating more inclusive communities. [36:37]

For More Information:

Dr. Maureen Dunne

The Neurodiversity Edge

Dr. Maureen Dunne on LinkedIn

Dr. Maureen Dunne on Instagram

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Get your copy of Maureen’s book, The Neurodiversity Edge: The Essential Guide to Embracing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Differences for Any Organization, or listen to it on Audible.

Take Kathy’s 6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz to learn how you take action!



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Kathy’s Power Gaps Survey, Support To Build Your LinkedIn Profile To Great Success & Other Free Resources

Kathy’s TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up & Free Career Path Self-Assessment

Kathy’s Amazing Career Project video training course & 6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz


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“Neurodiversity — is a strength-based concept – rather than a deficit-focused perspective. It’s an umbrella term that describes all the different and unique ways that people’s brains work.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:05:37]

“There are advantages to us working together and including people that have different ways of seeing the world – The more these conversations get normalized in our culture, the more we’ll start seeing [a broader representation of neurodivergence], even in leadership.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:10:21]

“Neurodiversity has always been there. It’s just that there’s more public awareness.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:22:20]

“For companies to not only survive but to thrive, cognitive and experiential diversity is going to be the difference-maker.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:25:20]

“If [neurodivergent leaders] are still thriving at their organization after disclosure, people notice that. That’s a signal that that’s a great organization to work for if you’re a neurodivergent person.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:34:56]

“There’s not going to be one person who changes the world – We need everyone’s contributions  – Everybody can play a role.” — Dr. Maureen Dunne [0:38:07]

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Kathy’s new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss shares vital information on the 7 most damaging power gaps that 98% of professional women face and how to overcome them. Boost your power and confidence today!


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