Becoming a published author can be a mysterious, daunting, and unclear path. It can also be a great entry point into a successful career in entrepreneurship, and here today to talk about how she helps authors on this journey is Sharon Woodhouse, the owner of Conspire Creative.

Sharon has worked in publishing for decades, and her work as a coach and consultant for authors sees her helping them build small businesses, find their true value offer, and set up sustainable futures doing what they love. 

This conversation is packed with many exciting and eye-opening insights into a greatly under-discussed topic. Our guest shares some important reality checks for aspiring writers, the state of the publishing landscape right now, and busts some myths about the industry along the way.

We also explore the idea of meaning-making in the current economic and intellectual climate, along with monetizing intellectual property, and some amazing tips for authors to keep building and improving. Tune in now for a potentially life-changing conversation on your “finding brave” path to growth as an author and entrepreneur. 


Key Highlights From This Episode:

  • A look at Sharon’s inspiring resume, career journey, and values. [01:36]
  • Exploring the most significant challenge that authors face. [03:26]
  • The life of a book and the evolution of an author’s relationship to their work. [05:52]
  • Common myths about authorship. [09:43]
  • Confronting the difficulties around outreach and building a following. [18:08]
  • Dealing with external negativity and a lack of understanding. [23:38]
  • Unpacking the concept of “defensive entrepreneurship” and monetizing intellectual property. [27:55]
  • Systematization and building on your vision for a business. [35:24]
  • Final words of encouragement from Sharon about the possibility of success. [37:16]
  • Where to find and connect with Sharon and her business online.  [37:47]


For More Information:

Conspire Creative

Sharon Woodhouse on LinkedIn 

Sharon Woodhouse on Twitter 

Conspire Creative on Facebook

A Profitable Author Life You Love Webinar

A Profitable Author Life You Love Facebook Group


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Sharon’s Coaching Company, Conspire Creative, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook

Website for A Profitable Author Life You Love Webinar and its Facebook Group

Previous FInding Brave Podcast Guest, Octavia Goredema

The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael E. Gerber


Are You Ready to Take Your Professional Life and Leadership to the Next Level FAST?

Hi folks! Kathy here…I’m thrilled to share that I’m offering a new session of my 8-week coaching and training course The Most Powerful You starting May 10th! In 8 powerhouse weeks together, I’ll train all about the content of my book The Most Powerful You helping professional women address what I’ve seen are the 7 most damaging power and confidence gaps that block women from achieving their most exciting goals, and happiest highest potential and success. This includes imposter syndrome that impacts 75% of executive women today. 

The course offers:

  • 8 Weekly Zoom Coaching calls with me 
  • 8 Video Training Modules 
  • A Step-by-by process for boosting your Career, Confidence and Impact 
  • Fantastic Additional Resources from over 30 of the nation’s top experts  
  • A Private Online Support Group  for Members
  • And more…

Spots are very limited so sign up now at And when you register as an early bird, you’ll save $300 and get 8 amazing bonuses.

I’ve delivered aspects of this training to over 50 organizations worldwide (including for a division of the United Nations) and participants have called it transformative and life-changing. I’m confident this course will move you forward fast. Hope to see you there!

(And if you’re interested in exploring working with Kathy in a private, 1:1 career & leadership growth coaching program, CLICK HERE to learn more.) 



Calling all coaches! 

Do you run a coaching business that focuses on supporting professional women? If so, I’ve got some exciting news about supporting your coaching growth, success, and impact.

Right now, we’re opening the enrollment of my private (1:1) coaching training program called The Amazing Career Coach Certification, which is a 17-week, hands-on training program that certifies female coaches in my proprietary 16-step career growth model, which is perfect for coaches who want a deeper dive into learning powerful, proven coaching frameworks, concepts, and skills that teach the 16 most essential steps to building an amazing career that your clients need to know. And this training will help you become far more effective and impactful in supporting women to thrive today in their jobs, roles, and careers.

And through the program, you’ll get access to a powerful Small Business Acceleration program called The Rapid Growth Academy, delivered by my friend and colleague, award-winning business growth expert Matthew Pollard.

Through Matthew’s program, you’ll be taught critical business and sales growth info that will help you grow your business success in the quickest way possible.

In my view, there’s nothing on the market like for both new and more seasoned coaches because it targets the two critical aspects of success: how you support your clients to thrive, and just as importantly, how to grow your own business to the next level.

For more information, visit and check out the details. Join me this Winter!



Order Kathy’s book The Most Powerful You today!

In Australia and New Zealand, click here to order, elsewhere outside North America, click here, and in the UK, click here.

If you enjoy the book, we’d so appreciate your giving the book a positive rating and review on Amazon! And check out Kathy’s digital companion course The Most Powerful You, to help you close the 7 most damaging power gaps in the most effective way possible. 

Kathy’s Power Gaps Survey, Support To Build Your LinkedIn Profile To Great Success & Other Free Resources

Kathy’s TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up & Free Career Path Self-Assessment

Kathy’s Amazing Career Project video training course & 6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz



Sponsor Highlight

I’m thrilled that both and Amazon Music are sponsors of Finding Brave! Take advantage of their great special offers and free trials today!

Audible Offer

Amazon Music Offer



“Writing a book and what motivates you to write a book are just so different from the bulk of what comes afterwards” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:04:01]

“You have this thing to say that you’re sharing with the world. What does it need? Where does it need to go?” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:07:12]

“Sometimes what you want from your book changes as you go, because you’ve put yourself into it, you’re expanding your horizons, you’re committing, and all of sudden new opportunities come along that you didn’t even think were possible.” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:08:20]

“Most authors want to make money from their books, but they are reluctant to admit it.” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:14:02]

“Everyone wants to make a living off what they are good at, and what they love, there is no shame in that.” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:14:11]

“Some people think you are self-employed because you can’t get a job!” — @SharonWoodhouse [0:26:31]


Watch our Finding Brave episodes on YouTube!

Don’t forget – you can experience each Finding Brave episode in both audio and video formats! Check out new and recent episodes on my YouTube channel at And please leave us a comment and a thumbs up if you like the show!



Kathy’s new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss shares vital information on the 7 most damaging power gaps that 98% of professional women face and how to overcome them. Boost your power and confidence today!


Best Career Coaches 2020