Kathy Caprino

129: Power Gap #6: Losing Sight of Your Most Thrilling Dream Part of Kathy’s “The Most Powerful You” Series

Kathy Caprino         Kathy Caprino        
129: Power Gap #6: Losing Sight of Your Most Thrilling Dream Part of Kathy’s “The Most Powerful You” Series           129: Power Gap #6: Losing Sight of Your Most Thrilling Dream Part of Kathy’s “The Most Powerful You” Series          
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    Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers!

    “In the end, the people that bail on their dreams often pursue a direction that isn’t right for them. Many didn’t learn, or they weren’t taught, that the only constant thing in life is change and the only secure thing resides inside of you, not outside.” – Kathy Caprino

    At this very moment in time, the future — and where we are all going as a society — is on everyone’s mind more than ever. On this week’s Finding Brave show, I explore a critical power gap and chapter from my new book, The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss, which is Power Gap #6: Losing Sight of Your Thrilling Dream for Your Life. 

    Things will happen to each of us that derail our dreams, and often you’ll take a direction that you think is right for you, but it ends up being the wrong path. It’s a universal experience — that what we once believed was possible and desirable can change, and we have to change as a result. If you don’t want to wake up unhappy years from now, you have to accept this fact and realize that you alone are responsible for you how you respond to the life that’s before you, and to the challenges and hardships that you’ve faced. 

    You alone have the power to shape your future, and now is the time to choose your own way in pursuit of the life you want to live and the mark you want to make in the world.

    Highlights from this Episode:

    • What this power gap most often looks like in the people that possess it [3:34] 

    • The painful story of how I bailed on my own dreams right after my college graduation [6:52]
    • What I consider to be the most valuable lesson that I received from this experience [8:27]

    • How my client Kendra chose a professional direction from childhood on that she thought would save her, only to find it was wrong, but then gained control of her life and future [11:22]

    • Why the rigid, unyielding belief that “You’ll absolutely go broke and lose everything if you follow your passion” is a damaging myth in our society [12:24]

    • The four core reasons that people most often lose sight of their thrilling dreams [14:27]

    • The six types of people who seemed to be most susceptible to this damaging power gap [20:42]

    • How searching outside of yourself for the answers isn’t an effective approach to overcoming this gap [24:02]

    • Some key questions to ask yourself today to start uncovering your true passions [29:02] 

    For More Information:






    Resources Mentioned: 

    The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss Official Website (with Trailer)

    Pre-order at https://kathycaprino.com/mostpowerfulyoubook to become the most powerful version of you and reach your highest, most thrilling potential.

    Book Pre-Order Bonus #1:

    Pre-order the book now to receive free access to my 7-day power-boost challenge workbook! 

    Book Pre-Order Bonus #2:

    For all individuals who pre-order a copy before the pub date of July 28th, send me your receipt at info@kathycaprino.com to be entered in a drawing for a free 6-session Career Breakthrough Private Coaching program ($2,997 value). One winner will be selected. 

    Book Pre-Order Bonus #3: 

    Pre-order 10 copies and receive a FREE 30-minute career consultation on Zoom with Kathy ($250 value)! Order 10 copies of the book for your friends, colleagues or team before July 28th, and send us your receipt at info@kathycaprino.com. Our team will be back in touch to schedule your call!


    Kathy’s Amazing Career Project

    Sign Up For Kathy’s LinkedIn Newsletter, The Finding Brave Circle

    Her Power Gaps SurveyHer TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up 

    Kathy’s FREE Career Path Self-Assessment Survey

    Apply To Be Coached By Kathy 

    11 Questions To Ask To Uncover Your Passions 

    Episode 37: What Is Heaven On Earth To You and Can You Have It?, with Martin Rutte

    Episode 124: Power Gap #1: Not Recognizing Your Special Talents and Abilities

    Episode 125: Power Gap #2: Communicating from Fear Not Strength

    Episode 126: Power Gap #3: Reluctance to Ask for What You Deserve

    Episode 127: Power Gap #4: Isolating from Influential Support

    Episode 128: Power Gap #5: Acquiescing Instead of Saying “Stop” To Mistreatment 

    The Energy of Money: A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment by Maria Nemeth

    Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money by Margaret M. Lynch

    For more about Kathy’s upcoming book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths To Career Bliss, check out Kathy’s weekly newsletter at https://kathycaprino.com for updates, free special offers and giveaways, contests, and more! Pre-orders are available now! And to discover if you are experiencing any of the 7 damaging power gaps today, take Kathy’s Power Gap Survey and find out!

    Become a Sponsor!

    If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of Finding Brave, we’d love to hear from you! Please write to info@kathycaprino.com with your proposal and for more information.


    “You know I’ve personally lived all these gaps, and that’s why I’m so passionate about helping others bypass or overcome them.” [4:10]

    “You’ll often experience this gap if you start out on a path you think is the right one, but don’t listen to yourself when it’s not feeling right.” [10:08]

    “I don’t believe in regret, and I think we’re going to use everything that happens to us, but if I had answered these questions 30 years ago I would not have made the mistakes that I’ve made.” [11:00]

    “So many people remain stuck in a direction they can’t stand, and they do it because of money.” [12:11]

    “Why can’t we have work that lights us up from the inside? Who said that we can’t, and make great money in the process?” [13:01] 

    “We have to stop letting our concerns and fears block our ability to see the possibilities.” [15:34] 

    “If you want to gain sight of your thrilling dream for the future and get on that path, you’ve got to build your self-confidence, your self-esteem and your boundaries.” [28:37]

    Sponsor Highlight!  

    I’m thrilled to share that Audible.com is a sponsor of Finding Brave! Take advantage of their great special offer of one FREE book of your choice with a 30-day FREE membership trial! And feel free to keep the book even if you cancel the membership. Click here to sign up for your free book! http://www.audibletrial.com/FindingBrave

    Watch the video of this episode!
    Now you can experience each Finding Brave episode in both audio and video formats! Check out new and recent episodes on my Youtube channel at YouTube.com/kathycaprino. And please leave us a comment and a thumbs up if you like the show! 


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    Kathy’s new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss shares vital information on the 7 most damaging power gaps that 98% of professional women face and how to overcome them. Boost your power and confidence today!


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