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Are you a man or woman who has “found brave” in your life, family, or work, and are living and thriving on your terms? If so, I’d love to hear from you!
Finding Brave™ explores the stories of men and women of all ages ages who have “found brave” – meaning, that they’ve mustered the courage and strength to rise up, speak up and stand up for themselves, their lives and their families, and experienced greater success and happiness on their terms, and are now living more joyfully and authentically, and thriving because of it.
We are looking for men and women who consider themselves to have experienced and accessed more bravery and courage in life and work, and have insightful lessons to share about the bravery it takes to create greater success, joy and impact in life, and how that paves the way for more authenticity, transparency, balance, well-being, fulfillment, passion, and purpose.
Our goal is to expand our understanding of what contributes to and supports bravery in life – how rising up, speaking up and standing up for ourselves and what we believe, value and hold as essential truth, is critical to abundant success and happiness.
We’ll also be exploring the key generational and gender differences and challenges in perceiving and achieving bravery, and identify the fundamental elements in thought and action that will help men and women build more joy, success and meaning through bravery.
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Are you a man or woman who has “found brave” in your life and because of it, have experienced more success, happiness, authenticity, fulfillment and reward on your terms?
If so, we’d love to hear from you!
Next steps: If you have found brave in your life and achieved more of what you wanted in your life and work because of it, and would like to share your story, please:
- Take our online survey (COMING SOON) and submit your story below (please limit your submission to one story per year).
- Kathy and her Finding Brave team will review your story, and be in contact with you within 45 days if a phone interview is requested. If we wish to include your story or excerpts from your responses in Kathy’s upcoming writing, we will contact you for your written permission.
- One story each quarter will be selected and published on the FindingBrave.org site (with the author’s permission only). More details will follow at that point.
- Updates on findings from Kathy’s study will be included in her newsletter and on her FindingBrave.org/blog in the coming months. You will be included in these mailings for updates (please let Kathy know at if you no longer wish to receive updates).
- To connect with Kathy and follow her work on finding brave and more:
Thank you again for sharing your story![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Share your “Finding Brave” story.