Kathy Caprino
125: Power Gap #2: Communicating from Fear Not Strength Part of Kathy’s “The Most Powerful You” series
Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers!
“Prepare for the consequences when you start asserting yourself differently. People will not know what happened, and you’ve got to prepare for that. If you’ve always been striving to make others happy, then you’re most likely not making yourself happy and you’re not saying what needs to be said.” – Kathy Caprino
In this episode, Kathy explores what her research over the past 10 years with thousands of professional women has revealed is the second gap of the 7 most damaging power gaps that professional women face today. 70% of the women Kathy has surveyed indicate that this Power Gap is impacting them today.
From not being able to assertively communicate their beliefs, ideas, wants, needs, and authentic feelings, this gap blocks women from sharing what’s important to them in a self-confident and self-empowered way.
And this reluctance to speak powerfully and confidently prevents us from attaining results we need and want in our careers, including leadership success, impact, responsibility, change, authority and making the difference we dream for. Finally, it holds women back from building the true legacy they long to leave, in service of others.
Listen in as Kathy shares what contributes to the formation of this harmful gap, and specific action steps you can take today to embark on your journey of communicating in a clearer and more assertive way in order to be heard, understood, respected, valued and to make sure that your boundaries and non-negotiables are honored and respected, in the most mutually-beneficial way possible.
Highlights from this Episode:
- The results from my survey showing how many women experience, or may experience, this damaging power gap [3:54]
- The lasting effect that our childhood has on our careers, and what we can do to begin healing from it [6:36]
- What I’ve noticed about why women often struggle with making important decisions and speaking up [9:25]
- Why boundaries are so essential to establish, especially for women today [11:10]
- How not speaking up when necessary often impacts our physical wellness [19:20]
- An example from my own life of what can happen physically by not speaking up [21:10]
- A fascinating study that validates gender bias in the workplace, and what we can do to start changing this today [27:00]
- The action steps to take to create your own power shift right now [29:00]
- Specific questions you can ask yourself that will help you shift your power and speak up more powerfully [35:56]
For More Information:
Resources Mentioned:
The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss Official Website (with Trailer)
Pre-order at https://kathycaprino.com/mostpowerfulyoubook to become the most powerful version of you and reach your highest, most thrilling potential.
Book Pre-Order Bonus #1:
Pre-order the book before June 15th and receive free access to my 7-day power-boost challenge workbook!
Book Pre-Order Bonus #2:
For all individuals who pre-order a copy before June 15th, send me your receipt at info@kathycaprino.com to be entered in a drawing for a free 6-session Career Breakthrough Private Coaching program ($2,997 value). One winner will be selected.
Book Pre-Order Bonus #3:
Pre-order 10 copies and receive a FREE 30-minute career consultation on Zoom with Kathy ($250 value)! Order 10 copies of the book for your friends, colleagues or team by June 15th, and send us your receipt at info@kathycaprino.com. Our team will be back in touch to schedule your call!
Kathy’s Power Gaps Survey & Her TEDx Talk, Time To Brave Up
Episode 124: Power Gap #1: Not Recognizing Your Special Talents and Abilities
Episode 4: Gender, Power and Relationships: The Crushing Effects of Patriarchy, with Terry Real
Interview with Dr. Nega Sangwan & Her Book, Talk Rx: Five Steps To Honest Conversations that Create Connection, Health and Happiness
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
For more about Kathy’s upcoming book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths To Career Bliss, check out Kathy’s weekly newsletter at https://kathycaprino.com for updates, free special offers and giveaways, contests, and more! Pre-orders are available now! And to discover if you are experiencing any of the 7 damaging power gaps today, take Kathy’s Power Gap Survey and find out!
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If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of Finding Brave, we’d love to hear from you! Please write to info@kathycaprino.com with your proposal and for more information.
“I’ve said this a thousand times, but I’ll say it again. You are what your childhood taught you to be, unless you’ve healed or addressed it.” [6:36]
“So often we know what we’re supposed to do. We know the decisions we need to make, but we’re scared to make them.” [9:58]
“Our mental state and our emotional state are inextricably linked with our physical state. They are not separate, and they are absolutely interconnected.” [19:32]
“We have to give the world examples of strong, competent, assertive and brilliant women.” [28:51]
“Get very clear about what you need to say. Just choose one tough conversation you need to engage in this week and decide on the most important thing you have to say.” [30:56]
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